Thursday, August 21, 2008

A little bit of this, a little bit of that..

These are just a few pictures taken while we were in houston and some of sami's birthday! It was my last few weeks with them. I miss them already. I don't have any of jackson's first had those on her camera and i forgot to load them on my computer. He looked so cute though and on the walk there he was concerned about getting his shoes dirty so he walked around every water and mud puddle. who knew he cared about how his shoes looked?! :)

Jackson didn't want to look at the camera...i was getting bored sitting in the back seat of mom and dad's car. :)
WHY SO SERIOUS?!?!?!.....haha she looked like a little joker! she was eating a strawberry sprinkle donut...mmm...shipleys!!
The little birthday girl!! she was helping us blow up balloons..well trying to atleast!
The glasses were from the party favors from Sami's party, Jackson thought they were awesome and brought these ones in for me and even put them on me.
Blowing out the candles...except she didn't blow them out. Kim did. :) Oh, and there are no pictures of Casey during Sami's party cuz she was sleeping, the WHOLE time!