Monday, October 26, 2009


I'll add another post of Lex's actual b-day party, but I love this picture of Indigo all dressed up in the harry potter gear. Today she said the cutest thing to me. I was opening up the door to go into the mall and let her in, as she goes in she says "thank you Ashley. Your such a good helper" :) You can obviously tell she pays attention when you say things to her. It pretty much made my day. I love that little one!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Single Ladies"

Daisy duck, dressed as a princess for the halloween party at disney world, was dancing to single ladies at the dance party, and I was sitting there laughing the whole time and then finally went to get my camera to record it, and she had turned around. I still got a little of her doing the dance, until she got distracted by the little buzz boy. :)
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I can finally say that I've been to new york!! It was a blast! The first night we drove out to Rhodes Island, went to the cheesecake factory, and saw Toys Story in 3-D. I got my own hotel room and I even had my own robe! :)

View from my room the first night
Time Square!
Kinda blurry cuz I was taking it while walking while holding a two year old. :) but we went and saw SHREK! THE COOLEST thing I've seen in a lie, I cried, out of pure happiness. My cheeks were hurting so bad by the end. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I loved it!
Before we went to Shrek we stopped off and ate at planet hollywood and they had Bella's prom dress, and Edwards suit...the closest I will ever get to him. :)

So while walking around Rockefeller Center they were passing out free cranberry juice and had a make shift thing to make the juice ( I don't know the name) and there was the guy from all the commercials!!

It was kinda like an I-spy book, but we found cookie monster and minnie and mickey. We found them while looking out our hotel window, random, and awesome.
View from our hotel in New York, it was in time square, and there was a billboard for shrek!

Me and the kiddo's in the limo!!!! :) on our way to our hotel. Love them.
We just got back today, and I ran into their mailbox...yes, I really did. I feel horrible and want to cry, but luckily they like me, and luckily it just broke the plastic cover on the light... :( but other than that, it's been an awesome week so far. Now I have to pack and get ready for DISNEY WORLD!! WAHOO!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I love you all!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some may say...

You know how everyone always says you can never be prepared for motherhood. I believe that's crap. i'm getting PLENTY of practice. Just this week I have organized both the girls dressers, their clothes were all together, it looks awesome now. I had to do more laundry in one day than I have in the total of all last year. The whole pool table was covered in PILES with the clothes that I had to fold and put away. The pic only shows half of it. And just today I rearranged the art closet, that took forever as well!! :) All this is in between taking kids to school, home, feeding them, takin them to classes, etc. As for tomorrow, cleaning out the van is on the agenda. :) And yes, I still love being here, and love my job. How can you not when a little girl climbs on your lap while playing WII and falls sleep. :) love them all!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does life get any better?!

My room!!

Me on a camel
I have been in Massachusetts now for 4 day now and I am loving every minute of it! The kids are adorable, and I love them. The family is amazing as well. It is definitely a whole other life style that I am experiencing, but it's fun! :) Here are some of the things I have done so far
* eaten out 9 times
* gotten lost
* argued with the GPS in the car
* dressed children in clothes that are way more fashionable than mine
* live in a place that has no walmart OR target close ( you got kmart and the stop and shop)
* went apple picking
* rode a camel
* made my bed everyday! :)
* lost my voice
* tried not to talk for a day (HARD thing to do!)
* enjoyed the joys of the movie channels and dvr in my room
* showed off my ho down throw down dancing skills
And it hasn't even been a week yet!! I can't wait for this new week to start and continue my adventure here! I especially can't wait for all the trips I get to take!! The cape cod area is BEAUTIFUL! I can't think of a better place for me to be right now!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's the simple things in life.

I've realized lately that it's the simple things in life that i love the most.
Some things that have made me happy recently:
* seeing rolly pollys crawling on the sidewalk as i walk to class
* the smell of spring
* hugs by little kids
* sunny days
* hanging out/talking to family
* my tongue matching the color of my pants, hence the picture :)
* my roommate coming home cuz she always comes home later than me and i'm always so excited to talk to her about the day.
* taking those quiz things on facebook
* driving while blasting my music (i'm sure i'll be deaf within 10 years)
* figuring out that this guy i had class with all semester won survivor!! and didn't find out till the last day of class!!
* rainboots
* and i know i already said this one, but it deserves to be said twice... SUN!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Turning 22....

At my birthday dinner with the fam out here Heide asked me what was my most memorable moments of being 21. I've thought about that more (haha a month later) and have decided some of my top moments of 21!

1. honestly, one of the very top has to being going to DISNEYLAND!! it's the happiest place on earth, and one of the funnest places i've been.
2. Having Mom and Dad come out here to Utah for Christmas, it was SO much fun. going sleeding, going to see the lights on temple square, riding the polar express, watching mom snow shoe (hehe), teaching mom and dad how to play guitar hero, going to comedy sports, and playin sardines at steve and heide's house :)...did I miss anything?

3. Seeing Erica again over the summer. I hadn't seen her in YEARS!

4. reading twilight :)

5. this isn't a good one..but it was memorable...getting a horrible tan and getting sick from it.

6. Seeing the 2 new additions to the family!

7. Spending the summer with is that not memorable?! cryin while watching oprah at 11 at night...

8. Driving to mom and dad's...and getting lost at 1 in the morning and called dad crying my eyes out!!

9. Me trying to do aerobics at the gym over the summer...not really my forte.

10. Spending the fourth of July with brooke again like we did in high school with our AMAZING fireworks display. :)

11. Jenni takin me to PBR for my birthday, and getting to see them again with brooke in the summer!! i love flint :) and all the cowboys that are everywhere...i want one!

So Heide, there are a few more things that made 21 a memorable year. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just a little walk....

Ok this picture was actually taken LAST year, but you get the point. :)

I was up in St George again this past weekend hanging out with Lauri, one of my favorite things to do. It was a fun and chill weekend and we went and saw confessions of a shopaholic, LOVE IT! But i'm not gonna lie, i think my favorite part of the weekend was on sunday night when we were just hangin out and finished a movie and Lauri suggested we go on a walk, and she lives like 3 blocks from the temple and so we walked to it.
For one, this is one of my favorite temples, not only is it located in st george, but it's beautiful and reminds me of a castle. We just ended up walking around on the temple grounds and it was amazing. I don't even know how to explain how much i enjoyed it. I think too much in our lives, mine atleast, i'm always in such a hurry to do this and do that and forget to just take things in and enjoy them. I was able to do that as we walked around just talking and looking at the beautiful temple. No lie, i was holding back tears. I think it's amazing how just walking on the temple grounds can bring such peace. At one point we heard "come come ye saints" and were trying to figure out where it was coming from cuz we were on top of the wasn't from heaven, just the visitors center. :) but it was still awesome. I'm just really glad I was able to go to St George again, good things always happen.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I LOVE St. George

I was getting so tired of the cold, the snow, and especially the inversion, and my friend Brittany from work was talking all about how she was going to st George and how it was suppose to be in the 60's...Jenn (also from work) and i were way we decided to go down too!! Jenn used to live there so she had some friends there and Lauri was kind enough to let me stay with her! :) It was one of the best weekends ever! It consisted of junk food (well for me), watching North and South, and the DIXIE DIRECT! It is this card and book that you get for about 35 dollars and has all these coupons in it, everything we did on saturday had to come from there, so we got AMAZING deals ALL day. It was freakin sweet! now I just need to go back for the "beauty" part of it.....

The day began with going to this museum that i forgot the name of...but it was all of this guys animals he has shot from all over the world and you go through different places, like africa, the tundra and asia, it was AWESOME. You get these phone things that you push the numbers on to listen to him go through the different places and about the different animals. Pictured above is me with one of my favorite animals...i guess that's what i get for growing up in south texas...aligators everywhere!!

And of course how can i not love armadillos and javelinas!! I was chased by some javelinas at girls camp one was scary.

Lauri and I in the African section, near the end. When i saw the giraffe i was laughin so hard cuz it looks so funny trying to bend down just to drink the water...poor thing.

After our museum trip we went to the Pizza factory where i ran into Brittany and said hi to her, but on the way there we passed this telephone wasn't real, but i knew i needed to take a picture in it, using my own phone.. From there we went and saw the dinosaur prints! who knew that dinosaurs lived in st george, and that it use to be a lake...crazy! I wish i would have taken some pictures of that, i'll have to next time.
Next came spoon me. I can't help it, every time i say the name it makes me laugh, it doesn't help that it has signs that say "spooning hours" for their business hours and "Now Spooning" for their now hiring poster and as you leave it says "thanks for spooning" on the door. Other than the name that's dang funny, it was SOOOOOOO good. Lauri didn't think i would like it, but i really really do. In less than a week i found the one in provo and went with becci. The only thing that the provo one lacks are the t-shirts and pants that say "spoon me" on them. I want one.
By this time we were already exhausted and had to watch her nephew and niece in about an hour so we went home to relax and watch some more of north and south. When the kids got there we took them to jump n jacks. It is mainly there for little kids, but it was so much fun. The big slid was so much fun, and tryin to climb up the stairs sometimes was a bit tricky on some of the other slides...... :)

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Anyway, so the weekend was amazing and we finished it off on sunday by finishing north and south...which makes me feel a little pathetic for my own love life, but still an amazing movie. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For new years I went to St George to visit Lauri and just hang out in beautiful St George, and we somehow managed to convince Lauri's mom to take a trip down to disneyland with us. I hadn't been since I was 11 and it was with a cousin I didn't really know, so it was still fun, but it wasn't like I could run around the place acting.....well like me :)

Somehow we did it! I got that Friday off of work, and we left on Thursday, well Technically Friday morning at 1:30. We drove all night, arrived at 7, got the tickets, parked at the hotel and walked across the street to the resort. I always new it was called the happiest place on earth, but it REALLY IS the happiest place on earth!!!

I was so excited just to see the sign. We were able to have a "magical morning" and go in before the rest of the park opened....literally, I almost cried....I was just so happy to be there. Lauri's been there so many times that she has the whole system down so we didn't have to wait in hardly any lines...except two, and they weren't even THAT long...oh wait, but the tower of terror was WAY long, and i'm not gonna lie...not worth it. :) I know Lauri loved that ride, but me not so much. I'm not a big fan of elevators as it is, i try to avoid them at all costs, stairs are my friends, and the whole ride is being in an elevator!!! holy crap. that's all i have to say. I was so scared i couldn't even scream...i just clung on for my life to the little bar that was on the side of my seat. But after all is said and done, i'm glad to say that i actually went on it, though i doubt it will happen again.

Lauri's friend Becca came and met us for a few hours to play in disneyland. This is us being scared before we went into the haunted wasn't half as scary as the tower of terror......

I made friends with the cow maggie. She was having so much fun just sticking her tongue out, so of course i thought it was funny and seemed like a good photo opp!

Just another picture in the happiest place on's just fun to be somewhere that makes you smile just to look around.... i've already had three dreams about disneyland since coming home, and i keep wanting to go back....maybe in another 10 years or so.

This has to be one of my favorite pictures from the trip. :) it was taken at the beginning of the day right as we walked in....and that's pretty much how i felt the whole trip. :) Thanks Lauri's mom and of course you lauri for being my friend at disneyland...and my friend in general!! p.s. i need to come to st george agian! :)